The Mother of pearl‘s shimmering elegance. Swarovski crystals’ bright colours lightening the dial and the bezel. Balance of forms, purity of lines and proportion, clarity. Exclusive in terms of uniqueness: a design that shapes Capri Watch‘s aesthetics.
The quest for ever new combinations of forms and colours being the mission of such aesthetics, which led Capri Watch to choose Monte Carlo as the location of the 2018 campaign. This is what these four watches are about.
Being part of the newest Rossella Collection, Capri Watch‘s last creation, such objects convey the very same elegant, yet playful spirit that characterises the whole collection. Their beauty, still, lies in details, which make them unique.
The mother of pear Rossellas, in fact, feature four different chromatic combinations. Rossella 5465: white dial whose silver shades reflect the dial and band’s tone.
Rossella 5467: the dial and band’s intense blue stands out against the case’s rose gold colour.
Rossella 5466: the dial and band’s luminosity that is lightened up by the Swarovski Crystals‘ brightness is balanced by the case’s smooth rose gold tone.
Rossella 5468. A piece of design that stands out. The black dial’s intense nuances reach their climax as their light pairs with the Swarovski crystals’ luminosity: precious elements that adorn both the dial and the case.
These mother of pearl watches are fine pieces of design to wear and collect. They express a way of being and living life: Capri Watch’s daringly joyful and lively elegance.